第九十四章 准备弹药(1 / 3)

芝加哥1990 齐可休 5839 字 2019-12-11

nesn039t need his na unhts

n be heard hether

it039s the r the i

n unlike everne

nf the fat that eole

still thk that the kno hi

but fxxk 039e

ns the ode

nt aut the sar

nut realit and ak039 noise

nr ak039 sure his lique stas u

that ans hen he uts it don

摩图拉办公室内,宋亚跟着节拍强烈的伴奏,将一大段ra唱了下来,然后一指艾尔,“ale039s ik039 it u, let039s !”

n the hell is he ana

he never reall talks uh

nnerned ith stat

but still leav039 the star struk

nh oortunities

niven desite the fat

ne hi beae

he akes a liv039 fro rit039 ras

her hiself,

n the iture ons

nr one039s hel,


nnl foed on hat he rote,

nnd reah

n hen it all unfolds,

nf an artist

然后是迪莱,this is tent erent skill,eight erent beer……

一曲唱罢,办公室里的听众都嗨起来了,“哇哦!”玛丽亚凯莉站起来鼓着掌说道“音乐旋律很富力量和激情,词也很好,as,你又完成了一首好歌,this is ten erent k, tent erent skill,fifteen erent onentrated oer of ill,five erent leasure, fift erent a,and a hundred erent rean……”







“确实。”大卫科尔给他和艾尔、迪莱递上香槟,“这首reber the na比你的首单i feel it og强多了。”


